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News & Resources

Adult Down Syndrome Center


Seeking participants for health education videos!

Participate in our health education videos!

We are looking to grow our collection of health education videos for people with Down syndrome! We want to develop videos on a variety of health topics including healthy eating, stress management, physical activity, self-care, social skills, and more. Participants in the videos will have the opportunity to learn about a health topic, help write a script, and film a video.

If you are interested in participating in our videos, please note the following: 

  • We are looking for participants with Down syndrome ages 12 and older.

  • The videos will be filmed in person at the Adult Down Syndrome Center in Park Ridge, IL. 

  • Participation will involve 2-4 visits to the Center, including one visit on a Saturday.

  • Participation is voluntary. If you are a patient at the Center, your care will not be affected by participating or choosing not to participate in the videos.

  • The videos will be posted in our online Resource Library and shared on our Facebook page and in our email newsletter.

  • These videos are for educational purposes. Compensation for participation is not available.

  • Please fill out the interest form to be added to a list of participants to be contacted about upcoming video opportunities. Filling out the form does not guarantee a spot in one of the videos. Participants will be selected based on availability.


Fill out the interest form opens in new window


Questions? Please contact Laura Krohn at

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