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For people with Down syndrome, family members, caregivers and professionals.

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Life Expectancy, Aging, and the Down Syndrome Population

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points The life expectancy of people with Down syndrome is between 50 and 60 years of age.  The life expectancy of people with Down syndrome increased dramatically during the 20th century

Healthy Aging in Adults with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (10/24/2024)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD and Hannah Graham, MD - Adult Down Syndrome Center

The video below is a recording of a webinar presented by Brian Chicoine, MD, and Hannah Graham, MD, on October 24, 2024. Description:  Individuals with Down syndrome are living longer and hea

Celiac Disease Visuals

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Resource List

What is Celiac Disease?     Gluten-Free Foods     Eating Gluten-Free at Parties     Eating Gluten-Free at Restaurants     Additi

Gallstones in People with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points The gallbladder is an important organ for the digestion of food. Stones in the gallbladder (gallstones) are more common in people with Down syndrome. While the stones often do not cause sym


Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points Hernias are defects in the connective tissue of the abdominal wall which allow tissue within the abdominal cavity to protrude. Often hernias do not require treatment. They can be monitored,

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? RSV is a virus that causes a common respiratory infection. The infection is usually mild and causes cold-like symptoms. People usually recover in a week or t

Information on COVID-19 Booster Shots from the Adult Down Syndrome Center

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD, Erin Dominiak, MD, Hannah Graham, MD, and Farah Chaus, MD - Adult Down Syndrome Center

UPDATED MAY 2024 Recommendation The physicians at the Adult Down Syndrome Center recommend that individuals with Down syndrome ages 12 years and older who do not have a contraindication follo

Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Screening for Women with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points Breast cancer is less common in women with Down syndrome compared to women without Down syndrome. Currently, the recommendations for breast cancer screening are the same for women with and

Measles and Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points Measles is a highly contagious infection. It can have very serious complications. There has been a recent increase in measles infections.  Little is known about measles infection s

Increased Need for Services and Support

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points For people with and without Down syndrome, our needs may change as we age and/or develop health issues. The change in the needs may be temporary or permanent. There are a variety of ways to

Aging in Adults with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (1/29/2024)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD, and Hannah Graham, MD - Adult Down Syndrome Center

Title:  Aging in Adults with Down Syndrome Date:  January 29, 2024 Presenters:  Brian Chicoine, MD and Hannah Graham, MD Host Organization:  Down's Syndrome

Prostate Cancer Screening in Men with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points on Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. There is uncertainty about the potential benefits and risks of prostate cancer screening for men.&nb

Dysgerminomas in Women with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points A dysgerminoma is a type of cancer that usually occurs in a woman's ovary. There is limited research on dysgerminomas in women with Down syndrome. It is not clear if dysgerminomas a

Activities You Can Do at Home

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Resource List

Are you looking for suggestions of activities you can do at home? We have compiled a list of some ideas below! There are ideas for arts and crafts , cooking , education/learning , fitness and physical

Advance Directives - Forms for Illinois Residents

Author: Illinois Department of Public Health - Link

An advance directive is a written statement you prepare that expresses how you want medical decisions made in the future should you not be able to make them yourself. Illinois law allows you

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Author: Allison Schnitzler, MD and Brian Chicoine, MD - Family Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Key Points Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is also known as heartburn or reflux. GERD is common in people with Down syndrome (DS). There are a variety of things that can be done at home to redu

Celiac Disease

Author: Robert Campbell, DO and Brian Chicoine, MD - Family Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Key Points Celiac disease is caused by a sensitivity to gluten. It is more common in people with Down syndrome. It can be diagnosed through an assessment including a history, physical, blood work, and

Aging and Down Syndrome: A Health & Well-Being Guidebook

Author: National Down Syndrome Society - Resource

The resource linked below is a guidebook from the National Down Syndrome Society. According to the Introduction, "Adults with Down syndrome, along with their families and caregivers, need acc

Information Forms to Share with Hospitals and Clinics (Health Passports)

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Resources

Visiting a hospital or clinic can be a stressful or frightening experience for some individuals with Down syndrome. The stress and fear can be increased if the healthcare providers are unfami

Tips for Going Up and Down Stairs Safely

Author: Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L and Abby Rowley, LCSW - Adult Down Syndrome Center

Going up and down stairs can be challenging for some people with Down syndrome. Aging, differences in depth perception, unsteady gait, and other issues may contribute to difficulty with navigating sta

End-Of-Life and Down Syndrome Guidebook

Author: National Down Syndrome Society - Resource

The resource linked below is a guidebook from the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS). According to the Introduction, the aim of the guidebook is to "provide guidance for the crossroads and

Keratoconus in People with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

We received a question about treatment of keratoconus in people with Down syndrome.  What is keratoconus? Keratoconus is an eye condition in which the cornea (the clear part in the front of t

Long COVID in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

A complication of having COVID-19 infection is a condition called long COVID (it has also been called long-haul COVID, chronic COVID, post-COVID conditions, and others). The National Task Group on Int

Constipation in Down Syndrome

Author: Samantha Ghanayem-Bouikidis, MD and Brian Chicoine, MD - Family Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Video Watch a video clip about constipation  from our webinar At-Home Treatments for Common Health Conditions.   Constipation is a common problem in people with Down syndrom

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Please note: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for a medical, psychiatric, mental health, or behavioral evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment plan by a qualified professional. We recommend you review the educational material with your health providers regarding the specifics of your health care needs.

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