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For people with Down syndrome, family members, caregivers and professionals.

Duration: 7 ms, Number of Results: 123

Showing 73 - 96 of 123

Routines during the Pandemic

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, my first thoughts of concern for our patients and all people with Down syndrome were around the virus and the potential of becoming severely ill with COVID-19. We h

Mental Wellness and Aging in Adults with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (10/27/2020)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Title:  Mental Wellness and Aging in Adults with Down Syndrome Date:  October 27, 2020 Presenter:  Brian Chicoine, MD Host Organization:  Down Syndrome Association

Clinical Characteristics of Individuals with Down Syndrome Deceased with COVID-19 in Italy - A Case Series

Author: Villani et al. - American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A

Abstract Background:  Persons with Down syndrome (DS) are presumed to be at high risk of severe CoVID-19 due to immune dysregulation and often compromised cardiopulmonary function. Aim of the

How to Wash Your Hands Visual

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual handout corresponds to our video on how to wash your hands. It shows the steps for handwashing.

How to Wash Your Hands Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

In this video below, Jeff demonstrates how we should wash our hands. As Jeff explains, handwashing is an important thing we can do to keep ourselves healthy! A corresponding visual handout  

Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder: A Clinical Regression Syndrome of Increasing Importance

Author: Rosso et al. - Pediatrics (2020)

Abstract Down syndrome disintegrative disorder (DSDD), a developmental regression in children with Down syndrome (DS), is a clinical entity that is characterized by a loss of previously acquired adapt

Helping an Individual with Down Syndrome Tolerate COVID-19 Testing

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Resource List

A common method to test for COVID-19 is to use a long swab to collect a specimen from the nasopharyngeal region, which is located at the back of the inside of the nose.  While the procedure i

Behavior Changes in Adolescents and Adults with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (4/28/2020)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD and Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L - Webinar

The video below is a recording of a webinar presented by Brian Chicoine, MD and Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L on April 28, 2020. Dr. Chicoine is the co-founder and medical director of the Adult Down Syndrom

Refusal to Eat Solid Foods

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

We received a question about a person with Down syndrome who was refusing to eat solids. He was found to have dental disease. He needed several fillings and had a couple baby teeth removed. The dentis

Self-Injurious Behavior

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

What is self-injurious behavior? Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is behavior that an individual does that results in harm to their own body. These behaviors may include hitting oneself, striking a body

Strategies To Help Me Calm Down

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout describes strategies that we can use to help us calm down when we are angry, anxious, or stressed.

Unexplained Regression in Down Syndrome: 35 Cases from an International Down Syndrome Database

Author: Santoro et al. - Genetics in Medicine (2019)

Abstract Purpose:  An entity of regression in Down syndrome (DS) exists that affects adolescents and young adults and differs from autism spectrum disorder and Alzheimer disease.  Me

Plan for When I'm Angry

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout can be used to make a plan for what to do when you get angry.

Strategies to Control My Anger

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout gives examples of things you can do when you get angry.

Cancer Screening in Adults with Down Syndrome: A Proposal

Author: Rethore et al. - European Journal of Medical Genetics (2019)

Abstract Background : The specific distribution of cancers in Down syndrome (DS) calls into question the validity of screening policies for cancer surveillance as implemented for the general populatio

Body Changes When Happy

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout describes things that our bodies may feel or do when we are happy.

Body Changes When Anxious, Angry, or Stressed

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout describes things that our bodies may feel or do when we are anxious, angry, or stressed.

The Feelings Volcano

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual uses a volcano to describe how our emotions can escalate.

Catatonia in Down Syndrome: Systematic Approach to Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome Assessment Based on a Case Series of Seven Patients

Author: Miles et al. - Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment

Abstract Objective:  The goal is to expand our knowledge of catatonia occurring in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome (DS) by describing the first prospective, consecutive, well-

Flat Feet in People with Down Syndrome

Author: Lorri Riley, DPM - j1 insoles

The website at the link below discusses flat feet and Down syndrome. The website also contains information about j1 insoles, a line of medical grade insoles for adults and children that are less expen

Benefits and Harms of Mammography Screening for Women with Down Syndrome

Author: Alagoz et al. - Journal of General Internal Medicine (2019)

Abstract Background:  Women with Down syndrome have a lower breast cancer risk and significantly lower life expectancies than women without Down syndrome. Therefore, it is not clear whether m

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Individuals with Down Syndrome Video

Author: Joseph Pereira - Harvard Medical School, MassGeneral Hospital for Children

The video below was narrated and presented by Joseph Pereira, a 4th year medical student at Harvard Medical School, as part of his work with the MGH Down Syndrome Program . He shares information about

Down Syndrome and Mental Health

Author: Down Syndrome Australia - Resource

The resource found at the link below is an 11-page summary for individuals with Down syndrome and their families on promoting and maintaining good mental health. Dr. Chicoine and Dr. McGuire's

Managing Emotions - Male

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual shares information about managing emotions with pictures of a man.

Showing 73 - 96 of 123


Please note: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for a medical, psychiatric, mental health, or behavioral evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment plan by a qualified professional. We recommend you review the educational material with your health providers regarding the specifics of your health care needs.

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