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For people with Down syndrome, family members, caregivers and professionals.

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Dermatologic Conditions in Down Syndrome: A Single-Center Retrospective Chart Review

Author: Rork et al. - Pediatric Dermatology

Abstract Background:  Current literature addressing dermatologic conditions associated with Down syndrome is limited, with emphasis on rare skin conditions and lack of consensus on the incide

Lotion Options

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

Some people do not like the feeling of lotion or creams. This handout shows examples of lotions that can be used on wet skin and lotions that can be sprayed on skin.

Catatonia in Down Syndrome: Systematic Approach to Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome Assessment Based on a Case Series of Seven Patients

Author: Miles et al. - Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment

Abstract Objective:  The goal is to expand our knowledge of catatonia occurring in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome (DS) by describing the first prospective, consecutive, well-

Skin Care Handout

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This is a visual support that is based on the Skin Care video featuring Molly and Peter.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Individuals with Down Syndrome Video

Author: Joseph Pereira - Harvard Medical School, MassGeneral Hospital for Children

The video below was narrated and presented by Joseph Pereira, a 4th year medical student at Harvard Medical School, as part of his work with the MGH Down Syndrome Program . He shares information about

Seizures in People with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

We were sent a question about seizures in a person with Down syndrome who developed Alzheimer’s disease. The individual continued to experience seizures despite being treated with l

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Author: Pathik Patel, DO - Family Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Skin disorders are common in individuals with Down syndrome. Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the more common skin problems. It is a chronic, relapsing form of dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) cha

How to Shave with an Electric Razor Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

In this video, Tim and Jim discuss and demonstrate the basic steps for shaving with and cleaning an electric razor.  Thank you to  Avenues to Independence    for pr


Author: Naomi Roman, DO - Family Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Several autoimmune diseases are more prevalent in people with Down syndrome (DS) including alopecia areata, a chronic immunological disorder that targets hair follicles and causes hair loss. When a pe


Author: Aashima Ghai, DO - Family Medicine, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Definition: Seizures are waves of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The brain has multiple nerve cells that create and receive electrical impulses which help the cells communicate with each o

Tips for Dealing with Dry Skin Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

Dry skin is more common in people with Down syndrome. In the video below, Mary and June talk about dry skin and tips for managing it. Additional resources can be found in the Skin and Hair section of

Ringworm, Athlete's Foot, and Jock Itch

Author: Asma Sayeed, MD - Family Medicine Resident, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch are fungal infections that are more common among individuals with Down syndrome. There are a variety of likely reasons for that including a tendency to

Strokes and Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Strokes occur when the blood supply to the brain is compromised, which deprives the brain of needed oxygen and glucose. Strokes can be caused by atherosclerotic disease (a disease in which the inside

Startle Reflex and Myoclonus

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

We were asked a question about increased “startle reflex” in a 30-year-old. Please note: The information below is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a su

Skin Care Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

In this video, Molly and Peter share information about proper skin care. Corresponding visual handout   Additional visuals and videos are available in the Skin and Hair section of our Resourc

Rate of Urinary Retention in Adults with Down Syndrome

Author: Chicoine & Sulo - Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (2015)

Abstract Purpose:  Down syndrome (DS) is associated with a higher incidence of many medical conditions, but little information regarding urinary retention exists. We assessed the urinary rete

Neurobehavioral Disorders in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Down Syndrome

Author: Capone et al. - American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C (2006)

Abstract The term dual-diagnosis refers to a person with mental retardation and psychiatric disorder. Most children with Down syndrome (DS) do not have a psychiatric or neurobehavioral disorder. Curre

Showing 25 - 41 of 41
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Please note: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for a medical, psychiatric, mental health, or behavioral evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment plan by a qualified professional. We recommend you review the educational material with your health providers regarding the specifics of your health care needs.

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