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For people with Down syndrome, family members, caregivers and professionals.

Duration: 14 ms, Number of Results: 53

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A Change in Behavior in a Person with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

A change in behavior is often noted in people with Down syndrome (DS) who have Alzheimer’s disease (AD). For some individuals, this is a natural part of the progression of AD. However, for o

Improving Alzheimer’s Diagnosis and Care for Adults with Down Syndrome Virtual Forum (9/26/2024)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD, Seth Keller, MD, and Amy Kolb-Tucker - Stanford University School of Medicine, the Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, and National Task Group for Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices

On September 26, 2024, a virtual forum on Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome was held. Title:  Improving Alzheimer’s Diagnosis and Care for Adults with Down Syndrome: Opp

Co-Occurring Down Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder (DS-ASD)

Author: Down Syndrome-Autism Connection - Website

It is estimated that 16-18% of people with Down syndrome also have autism spectrum disorder. The Down Syndrome-Autism Connection  is a nonprofit organization that provides s

Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Screening for Women with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points Breast cancer is less common in women with Down syndrome compared to women without Down syndrome. Currently, the recommendations for breast cancer screening are the same for women with and

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Author: Ima V. Jonkheer, DO and Brian Chicoine, MD - Family Medicine, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Key Points  The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system. It is a gland that is in the neck. Thyroid function affects or has an impact on many body functions and, therefore, abnormal thy

When Staff Members Leave Story

Author: Abby Rowley, LCSW, and Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L - Adult Down Syndrome Center

When Staff Members Leave   This visual story explains why staff members may leave their job, how we might feel, and how to cope with the change. Additional visuals are available in the&nb

When Down Syndrome and Autism Intersect (2nd edition)

Author: Margaret Froehlke, RN, BSN, and Robin Sattel, MS - Book

When Down Syndrome and Autism Intersect: A Guide to DS-ASD for Parents and Professionals       Publisher description The first edition of When Down Syndrome and Aut

Down Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder Presentations

Author: Multiple Presenters - Multiple Organizations

The Dual Diagnosis of Down Syndrome and Autism Webinar   Presenters: Noemi Spinazzi, MD, FAAP, and Teresa Unnerstall Host Organization: Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area   Aut

Coping with Grief Story

Author: Abby Rowley, LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Adult Down Syndrome Center

The visual below explains how we might feel when someone we care about dies and shares things we can do to help us cope.    Coping with Grief       &nb

When a Pet Dies Visual

Author: Abby Rowley, LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual explains what happens when a pet dies and how it might make us feel. When a Pet Dies     Other visuals are available in the Grief and Loss section of our Resource Library

Reducing Risk of Getting Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points Alzheimer's disease is more common in people with Down syndrome. Presently, we do not know how to prevent or cure Alzheimer's disease. We may lower the risk of developing Al

Prostate Cancer Screening in Men with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points on Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. There is uncertainty about the potential benefits and risks of prostate cancer screening for men.&nb

Dysgerminomas in Women with Down Syndrome

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Key Points A dysgerminoma is a type of cancer that usually occurs in a woman's ovary. There is limited research on dysgerminomas in women with Down syndrome. It is not clear if dysgerminomas a

Support Groups for Caregivers of Individuals with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

Author: Various Organizations - Resource List

Alzheimer’s disease not only impacts the individual with the disease but also the individual’s family, friends, and caregivers. Several organizations provide in-person, online, and

Grief and Loss Podcast Episodes

Author: Rose Reif, LCMHC, CRC, BC-TMH - Multiple Organizations

Rose Reif, a licensed clinical mental health counselor, certified rehabilitation counselor, and qualified developmental disability and mental health professional, has been featured on two podcast epis

Staff Turnover

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

For people living in a group home or participating in day programs, the staff members often become like family. This is especially true if the person does not have other family involved in his life bu

Alzheimer's Disease & Down Syndrome: A Practical Guidebook for Caregivers

Author: National Down Syndrome Society - Resource

The guidebook linked below was published by the National Down Syndrome Society "to help empower families and caregivers with knowledge about the connection between Down syndrome and Alzheimer

Steps to Accessing Adult Services and Supports

Author: Ann Garcia - Patient Advocate, Adult Down Syndrome Center

While special education services are an entitlement, adult services are based on eligibility and availability of funding. In the adult developmental disabilities system, Medicaid is the primary paymen

Alternatives to Guardianship

Author: Ann Garcia - Patient Advocate

Families trying to decide what level of support would work best for their adult family member with Down syndrome may want to look at options besides guardianship . Individuals with Down syndrome and t


Author: Ann Garcia - Patient Advocate

Whether you decide to obtain guardianship for your child is an individual family decision that should be considered carefully. If your child is 18 years old and is unable to make decisions about finan

Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

What is hypoglycemia? Hypoglycemia is the medical term for low blood sugar or low glucose. Blood sugar or glucose levels can be measured with a blood test. Healthcare providers make the diagnosis of h

Alzheimer's Disease Story

Author: Abby Rowley, LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Adult Down Syndrome Center

The stories linked below were developed to help individuals with Down syndrome understand what Alzheimer's disease is and how Alzheimer's disease may affect someone i

Taking My Thyroid Medication Visual

Author: Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Several endocrine conditions, including hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), are more common in people with Down syndrome compared to people without Down syndrome. Levothyroxine (Synthroid, Tirosint,

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and Healthy Aging in People with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (5/18/2022)

Author: Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center

Title:  Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and Healthy Aging in People with Down Syndrome Date:  May 18, 2022 Presenter:  Brian Chicoine, MD Host Organization:  

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Please note: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for a medical, psychiatric, mental health, or behavioral evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment plan by a qualified professional. We recommend you review the educational material with your health providers regarding the specifics of your health care needs.

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