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For people with Down syndrome, family members, caregivers and professionals.

Duration: 6 ms, Number of Results: 70

Showing 49 - 70 of 70
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Body Changes When Happy

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout describes things that our bodies may feel or do when we are happy.

Body Changes When Anxious, Angry, or Stressed

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout describes things that our bodies may feel or do when we are anxious, angry, or stressed.

The Feelings Volcano

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual uses a volcano to describe how our emotions can escalate.

Ways to Get Good Sleep

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual shares things you can do to promote good sleep habits.

Personal Space

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout discusses and gives examples of an appropriate amount of personal space.

Going to Get My Sleep Mask

Author: Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

This is a visual explanation of the process of getting a sleep mask.

Good Ways to Touch People at School

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout describes and shows appropriate ways to touch people at school.

Making Good Choices- Female

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This is a visual support about making good choices for women.

Making Good Choices- Male

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This is a visual support about making good choices for men.

Going for a Sleep Study

Author: Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

This is a visual explanation of the process of getting a sleep study done.

Private vs. Public Visual - Male

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout shows the difference between private and public places and behaviors using pictures appropriate for men.

Private vs. Public Visual - Female

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout shows the difference between private and public places and behaviors using pictures appropriate for women.

Conversation Rules Visual

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This is a visual with tips to remember when having conversations

Filters Visual

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual describes filters, which help us avoid saying something that we are thinking that might be inappropriate.

Exercises You Can Do at Home

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual shows pictures of and describes exercises you can do at home without exercise equipment.

Ways to Sleep Better

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This visual provides tips about how to sleep better.

Tips for Dealing with Stress Handout

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

This handout gives suggestions for ways to manage stress. It corresponds to the Tips for Dealing with Stress video.

Appropriate Touch Handout

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center

While we may love to hug, we know that hugging is not appropriate in all settings. This visual discusses the people in our lives who we can touch and how we can touch them appropriately.

Appropriate Touch Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

While we may love to hug, we know that hugging is not appropriate in all settings. Families and caregivers of adolescents and adults with Down syndrome have expressed that it can be challenging to tea

How to Use a CPAP Machine Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

Sleep apnea is more common in people with Down syndrome and occurs when there are pauses in a person's breathing while sleeping. One of the treatments for sleep apnea is using a continuous pos

Tips for Dealing with Stress Video

Author: Adult Down Syndrome Center - Video

We  all  experience stress in our lives. What causes stress and how stress is managed varies from person-to-person. In the video below, Cindy and Nora describe stress and share tips

Fit 5 Fitness Cards, Videos, and Trackers

Author: Special Olympics - Resource

The Fit Five Guide and Fitness Cards    contain downloadable cards and videos that feature Special Olympics athletes and provide visual demonstrations of endurance, strength

Showing 49 - 70 of 70
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Please note: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for a medical, psychiatric, mental health, or behavioral evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment plan by a qualified professional. We recommend you review the educational material with your health providers regarding the specifics of your health care needs.

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