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News & Resources

Adult Down Syndrome Center


Wheel of Exercise

June 19, 2022 07:00 AM
Fitness fun: wheel of exercise

Physical activity is one of the topics in our Healthy Lifestyle group for adolescents and adults with Down syndrome. Participants learn about and practice physical activity during the group. Participants in our sessions have enjoyed spinning our "wheel of exercise." When the wheel stops spinning, participants are encouraged to complete the exercise listed on the wedge it stops on. We have a lot of fun!

We use a version made for PowerPoint (it can be downloaded at this link). There are also online versions such as this one. Users can type a variety of exercises in the box. Then users press the "spin" button to start the wheel. It stops automatically (the time it takes the wheel to stop can be affected by the browser, Internet speed, number of choices, etc.).

Downloadable PowerPoint template

Wheel with 8 wedges

Wheel with 16 wedges

There are also wheel apps, such as "Spin the Wheel" which is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store

See the Fitness and Physical Activity section of this resource for other suggestions of fun ways to be physically active. 

Additional resources on exercise and physical activity can be found in this section of our Resource Library.


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