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For people with Down syndrome, family members, caregivers and professionals.

Create a Getting Dressed Visual

November 2023 | Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Adult Down Syndrome Center

The images and template below can be used by individuals with Down syndrome and their families to create a visual showing the clothing that they should put on when getting dressed. 


  1. Print the getting dressed template.
  2. Print a set of clothing images. 
  3. Cut out the images.
  4. Select the clothing images to include in the visual.
  5. Tape or glue the images to the template. 



Getting Dressed Template opens in new window



Clothing Images - Girls/Women opens in new window



Clothing Images - Boys/Men opens in new window



In addition to creating a visual for everyday dressing, the clothing images can be used for: 

  • Dressing for special occasions

  • Packing for trips

  • Labeling dresser drawers or closets

  • and more!


Additional resources are available in the Self-Care and Hygiene section of our Resource Library. 

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Please note: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for a medical, psychiatric, mental health, or behavioral evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment plan by a qualified professional. We recommend you review the educational material with your health providers regarding the specifics of your health care needs.
